Monthly Archives: December 2015

Happy Holidays!

As Santa sets off on his journey tonight, we get a peek inside his Archives! Note the photos of famous persons inscribed to him on the walls. This 1955 German illustration is by Ermich Huber. We call this Santa Archivist. It hung in my archivist father’s office every Christmas, and upon his retirement it hung in […]

Stay Tuned, The Eyes Have It

“Recently Invented Apparatus of Dr. Thorner, which Photographs the Interior of the Eye.” (Sunny South March 11, 1905 p.11 c.2-3) The Headline to the article with the above photo illustration is Photographic Inquiry is to Lessen and is subtitled “Alarming Prevalence of American Eye Diseases.” The article is about Dr. Walter Thorner’s invention to photograph the back […]