
Hunting & Gathering, a blog, exists so that I can share my research into the lives of 19th & early 20th century Georgia photographers with anyone interested. As a former archivist-special librarian who has forsaken the 9 to 5 (actually it was 7 to 7) world, this is an attempt to calm my obsession to know about these people.  I want to make available this too-often-hidden information on the lives of our state’s earlier photographers.

These photographers’ associates – the artists and colorists, publishers and others – are included in my research. A particular interest of mine are those persons who were women, the photographer-families, and those of various ethnicity. You will also see some related goodies here on Hunting & Gathering.

Contact me via Twitter @galpix or at E.Lee_E@alum.emory.edu

In this possibly bizarre pursuit, I have the support and understanding of an incredible husband, who is also a fantastic cook.  What more could one ask?

Me, a Bluebird, at eight holding my Kodak Brownie camera.

This is me, a Bluebird, at about eight, holding my Kodak Brownie Bullet camera.


  1. There were some amazing photographers in the 19th to early and mid-20th centuries who documented local communities and the families who lived in them. My research tends to focus on Pennsylvania, but I’ve enjoyed browsing through the wonderful photos and stories you’ve shared on this site.

    1. Thank you! I have PA ancestors on my maternal side, migrated from NY, then on to OH. I will get back to my family genealogy again one of these days, but “My” photographers are an itch that must be scratched!

    2. Naomi Saldierna · · Reply

      Hi! I’m just now diving into your blog and it is absolutely fascinating! I have two ancestral photos in my dining room from Gainesville, GA circa 1899 and was wondering if you could take a look at them for me… We have identified that it isn’t the work of White and they were both taken at the same studio. Any direction is super appreciated! Thank you for all you are doing to dig up the past.

      1. It is unusual they are not by White, I will be in touch so you can share the images.

  2. Welcome to Geneabloggers!

    1. Thank you, I am pleased to be a part of such a fine bunch!

  3. Pleased to meet you. After a quick scan, I think I’ll be back here for many a visit.

    1. Thanks, I’ve bee looking at your posts, too. As an Army brat, I appreciate them – make me want to write more about my dad and his army career.

      1. There’s no time like the present.

  4. Absolutely amazing blog. I’m a portuguese amateur photographer interested in the history of scientific photography. Congratulations for your work!

    1. Thanks so much! And thank you for reading.

  5. I’m glad you can continue your passion! Years before the web hit the workplace, my favorite research tool was the archives and genealogy department of the local library. Loved the microfiche machines! BTW thanks for following my blog!

    1. All I can think to say is Ditto! Microfilm readers are still being used and I love a good microfilm research day, and at times they are necessary. Sorry to say, the web does not contain everything we need, does it?

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