Tag Archives: holidays

Be My Valentine

Enjoy these images made by Georgia photographers (plus one other) of couples who were, we hope, each other’s Valentine. These are not all great photographs, but they each tell a story, as do each of these photographers. John Quinton Adams was born in Lynchburg, Virginia on February 1, 1859, and he died in Atlanta, GA […]

Happy Halloween, 2021! Photographers, Photographs, and Tricks!

This Halloween I am giving you a mish-mash of items that might help you get into that Halloween spirit and give you some ideas! Here is a nice piece by Kim Beil called “Snap Judgement” which appeared last May in Lapham’s Quarterly on Trick Photography. Remember that “Sometimes errors were useful teachers: strange results became […]

Tips for the Holidays, and After

Greetings of the Season to all of my readers! Although my lead image is not a photograph, you may notice that Santa has photographs (which are drawn) on his walls, as well as volumes of thank you notes. Those are all the photos of and notes from the dignitaries and famous folks who love him. […]

Happy Holidays, and Happy Hunting & Gathering!

As Santa sets off on his journey tonight, we get a peek inside his Archives! Note the photos of famous persons inscribed to him on the walls. This 1955 German illustration is by Ermich Huber. We call this Santa Archivist. It hung in my archivist father’s office every Christmas, and upon his retirement it hung in […]